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Not Your Average Rubric: Designing Rubrics that Assess Teaching and Learning

Not Your Average Rubric:  Designing Rubrics that Assess Teaching and Learning

Where: Southbridge Hotel & Conference Center
14 Mechanic Street
Southbridge, MA 01550
Directions and Map
Carpool Information

When: Wednesday, January 22, 2020
9:00am - 3:00pm
Note: Registration starts at 7:30am

Workshop Organizer:  Heather Richards of Nichols College and Rebecca Taub of Brown University

Registration Fee:
Early-bird rate prior to December 11 - $123.25 (15% discount)
Rate December 11 and after - $145

Non Member:
Early-bird rate prior to December 11 - $246.50 (15% discount)
Rate December 11 and after - $290

The registration fee includes am and pm break and lunch.

Event Overview
How does quality teaching impact student learning? Around the world, institutions of higher education are engaging in constructive dialogue about meaningful assessments that demonstrate how much and how well students are learning. Rubrics are assessment tools that benefit both faculty and students. They [rubrics] provide a framework for evaluation and assessment of teaching and learning. The carefully designed rubric helps the institution to evaluate student learning outcomes, accreditation, and consistency across programs.

The model for this workshop is two-fold:
 1. We will have a structured conversation about rubrics and methods for developing them, and how they are being used to assess student learning, teaching, course design, etc.
 2. In the workshop, we will go through the process of designing rubrics for assessment and learning. Participants are encouraged to bring examples of assignments, rubrics, or assessments they are familiar with to the workshop.

Session Outcomes:
Consider how carefully designed rubrics can promote student learning and success.
 - Identify areas for improvement in course design and teaching.
 - Apply an outcomes-driven process to develop rubrics for different types of assessments.

Registration Cancellation Policy:
By clicking on the "Order Now" button, you are indicating a commitment to attend and will be held responsible for the registration fee. Your fee can be refunded if you notify us of a cancellation at least 8 days prior to the event via email to

Event Disclaimer:
NERCOMP reserves the right to use any photographs or other mechanical recordings taken at NERCOMP events in promotional materials. No mechanical recordings of any kind may be used at NERCOMP events without the prior written consent of NERCOMP organizers and presenters. The views and opinions expressed at NERCOMP events do not necessarily reflect those of NERCOMP, nor does NERCOMP make any representation regarding the information presented at NERCOMP events.

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