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Mark Berman Community Outreach Award Current and Past Recipients

Mark Berman Community Outreach Award Current and Past Recipients

NERCOMP Celebrates its current and past Mark Berman Community Outreach Award Recipients!

What does winning this award mean to you?



Mark Davis pic

Mark Davis of Swarthmore College

"I am so honored to be considered for an award that represents the beautiful person and caring leader that Mark Berman was. I had the humble privilege of getting to know Mark when I began attending NERCOMP in 2009, and this award truly serves as a testament to Mark's wonderful example of fostering community engagement and technology development. Mark's ability to make people feel valued, dignified, and supported is something I continually strive to imitate in my life journey. Mark's example should inspire us to Be kind whenever possible because it's always possible!!" 

Mark Davis - Swarthmore College - 2024 recipient



Christine Fitzgerald of Tufts University

"I am truly humbled and honored to be recognized for the Mark Berman Community Outreach Award. On the NERCOMP board, Mark became not only a colleague but a friend and shared his wisdom (and humor) on all things SIGs (aka Professional Development Opportunities). His passion for NERCOMP and connecting and helping people to continuously learn resonated with me, as did his love of music. Let's all follow Mark's lead and make the world a little kinder!" 

Christine Fitzgerald - Tufts University - 2023 recipient

Video by Christine about the award


Rene Thatcher

René Thatcher of St. Lawrence University

“I am honored to be awarded the 1st Mark Berman Community Outreach Award.  I was fortunate to have known Mark and I always admired his strong leadership style.  He put people at ease with his open and inclusive personality.  We can all learn from Mark and find time to enjoy ourselves and those around us. “  

René M. Thatcher - St. Lawrence University - 2022 recipient

 Video by Rene about the award



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