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Membership/Institutional Representative (IR) Resources
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Institutional Representative (IR) Resources

Helping support Institutional Representatives to get the most value out of their NERCOMP membership.

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IR Responsibilities

The IR is our main contact and an essential part of the NERCOMP community with responsibility for:



Voting in annual board elections.



Sharing information about NERCOMP’s programs broadly across your institution.



Providing feedback and input through surveys, at the annual IR luncheon, and via informal communications.



Attending the NERCOMP Annual Conference (whenever possible).


Our website has a wealth of information available to you. Log into the website to access these items:

  • Edit Your Individual Profile

    Update your contact information, edit your list subscriptions, and view your meeting registrations

  • Edit Your Organizational File

    Update your undergraduate and graduate student count, your faculty full time equivalency count and vendor agreements that your institution participates in.

  • View Participation Reports for Your Institution

    See who at your institution participates in a NERCOMP committee

  • Update Your Organizational Profile

    Update the institution profile, see what events people from your institution are registered for, pay outstanding invoices, edit people at your institution, edit mailing subscriptions, renew annual dues, and vote in board election

  • Add, Remove, and Manage Staff Roster

    Update the billing contact, add people who should receive NERCOMP announcements, remove staff that are no longer part of your institution

  • Manage Invoices or Pay Dues

    View invoices for everyone at your institution and Pay your annual dues

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