David Blezard
Board Member
Senior Director, Enterprise IT Systems at University System of New Hampshire,
View LinkedIn ProfileDavid Blezard has had a 28-year career in higher education IT. David is currently the Senior
Director of Enterprise IT Systems for the University System of New Hampshire, overseeing
business applications teams and infrastructure services supporting the USNH schools across
New Hampshire. His teams install, develop, and manage a wide range of applications ranging
from HR, Finance, and Student ERP tools to department-specific software. He also continues to
maintain connections back to his academic technology roots with involvement in the planning
and operation of the learning management system, web conferencing, and media technologies
used for teaching and learning across USNH.
David’s involvement with NERCOMP began with his first role, running the campus computer
labs. He contributed his first presentation at the 2001 conference. He has now presented at
more than a dozen annual conferences, at many more workshops, and has been part of the
professional development organizing since 2013. In 2021, David was asked to fill in a vacant
seat on the NERCOMP board where he has worked on the vendor licensing, professional
development, and community relations committees. He has contributed to the broader IT
community by presenting at many conferences including SIGUCCS, EDUCAUSE, All Day DevOps,
and DevOps Enterprise Summit. David also has experience as a faculty member, having taught
network and system administration courses as an adjunct instructor for the UNH Computer
Science department for 17 years.
David has experience in a range of volunteer roles and community involvement. He has served
as a member of the Internet2 NET+ advisory board for Zoom for two years and has been a
board member with the Seacoast Chapter of NH Audubon since 2003 serving in various roles
including president and treasurer. He also acts as a volunteer naturalist of for the Seacoast
Science Center of Rye, NH in their annual BioBlitz! event.