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Summary of SHI Partners’ COVID-19 Offers

Summary of SHI Partners’ COVID-19 Offers

For the past week, most SHI customers have been laser-focused on finding the hardware devices and online collaboration solutions they need to support their remote users. That’s why we pulled together a list of special product offers and trainings from both SHI and our partners that can help you support a geographically-diverse workforce.

Scroll down to view the SHI partner offer list in its entirety.

Microsoft recently announced that Microsoft Teams added 12 million daily active users, in a SINGLE WEEK. To help customers fully leverage every option Microsoft Teams has to offer, SHI’s Corporate Training Group is hosting live, 60-minute instructor-led training webinars aimed toward educating end-users on how to use Teams, free of charge. Click here to register and join the 500+ SHI customers who have already signed up.

From a hardware perspective, SHI’s warehouses and Integration Centers have been working overtime to source and ship thousands of end-user devices to business and government agencies who are working to either slow the spread of COVID-19, or treat those who have fallen ill. If your organization needs help with immediate sourcing of any device or IT equipment, contact me, and let’s work on finding what you need together!

Thanks for your time. We hope you, your family and your community are staying healthy and safe!

Your SHI Team

Partner offers

  • AddigyApple Mobile Device Management – Addigy is offering a 60-day free trial to new users, along with free on-boarding (depending on size of the deployment).
  • AdobeAdobe Connect Extended Support – Adobe is now providing free 90-day access for Adobe Connectuntil July 1, 2020. Individuals and business who aren’t customers can now use Adobe Connect rooms with up-to 25 participants for free, for up to 90 days, if they sign-up for a trial license between now and July 1. 
  • AdobeCreative Cloud – Through May 31, 2020 (subject to change based on fluid situation), Adobe will provide schools and universities that already have Creative Cloud to access temporary at home licenses for students and faculty at no additional cost.
  • AudioCodesBorder Control Licenses - Any AudioCodes business customer shifting to work-at-home is eligible to get 30 sessions, free of charge for 90 days. Existing AudioCodes SBC customers are eligible to double their current capacity for 90 days.
  • AvayaAvaya Spaces Collaboration – Avaya is offering Avaya Spaces collaboration software free, with no obligation, to education institutions and eligible nonprofit organizations worldwide through August 31, 2020.
  • CiscoUmbrella, Duo and AnyConnect – Cisco is providing extended trial license periods and expanded usage at no extra charge for Umbrella, Duo and AnyConnect. Product offer for existing customers: Expanded capacity/upgrade licenses for core remote work security offers (until July 1, 2020). Product offer for new customers: Extended trial license periods (30 or 90 days from activation).
  • CiscoWebEx – Effective immediately, free WebEx Meetings accounts will be temporarily expanded to include more features: Unlimited usage (no meeting time restrictions), Support for up to 100 participants, and Toll dial-in (in addition to existing VoIP capabilities). No further action is needed to enjoy these new features.
  • LifesizeFree, unlimited video conferencing for six months – All organizations impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19) worldwide are immediately eligible for an unlimited number of free licenses to use the company’s cloud-based video collaboration platform for six months, enabling them to implement flexible, remote work policies during the global health crisis. The offer allows both new and existing customers to quickly and easily turn to enterprise-grade video meetings and collaboration capabilities at scale.
  • LogMeInFree emergency remote work kits – Existing LogMeIn customers, healthcare providers, educational institutions, municipalities, and nonprofits have free use of many products for 90 days through Emergency Remote Work Kits. The 90 days of free product as part of the Emergency Remote Work Kit will NOT apply to existing licenses for existing customers, only additional licenses will be free. Offer is currently available through March.
  • MicrosoftMicrosoft Teams Free Version – A free version of Microsoft Teams is available for everyone. The free version includes unlimited chat, video calling, file sharing, storage, and more.
  • MicrosoftCommercial and Government - Free 6-month trial of O365 with Teams. (E1 and G1)
  • MicrosoftEducation O365 A1 Trial & Microsoft Teams for Free - Free 6-month trial of O365 with Teams.
  • OKTA - OKTA Single-Sign-On and MFA for 5 apps – Okta is offering Single Sign-On (SSO) and Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) for 5 apps, free for six months, to any organization that wants to leverage the Okta Identity Cloud for remote work during this crisis.
  • Riverbed - Riverbed Client Accelerator (formerly SteelHead Mobile) – Riverbed is offering $0, 90-day trial licenses* of Riverbed Client Accelerator (formerly called SteelHead Mobile) to SteelHead installed base customers.
  • ThousandEyesEnd User Monitoring – ThousandEyes is offering free access to End User Monitoring for a 90-day period.
  • ViewSonic – myViewBoard Software – ViewSonic is offering its myViewBoard software for free to K-12 schools, and to colleges and universities.
  • VMwareHorizon Cloud on MSFT Azure – VMware is offering Horizon Cloud on Microsoft Azure for 45 days free of charge.
  • VMware Workspace ONE – Customers can leverage Workspace ONE for 30 days, free of charge.
  • VMware - VMware Cloud on AWS – For a limited time, VMware is offering special discounts on VMware Cloud on AWS. VMware Cloud on AWS (VMC) can help businesses alleviate potential business disruptions due to COVID-19 to address supply chain disruptions by rapidly scale infrastructure, address work at home requirements with Horizon on VMC and address potential disaster scenarios with Site Recovery Manager and DRaaS.

As always, thank you for being a valued SHI customer!

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