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Partners/Licensing Agreements/WEI



Unlocking Excellence in Higher Education IT with WEI

As a proud Solutions Partner of NERCOMP, WEI’s services align with NERCOMP's mission to foster innovation and collaboration among educational institutions across the northeastern United States. With a commitment to delivering cutting-edge technology and white-glove services, WEI empowers colleges and universities to achieve operational excellence in today’s complex digital age.

Why Choose WEI?

IT leaders in higher education realize that each incoming class is more digitally savvy than the last, meaning expectations are raised around accessing online learning, inclusive campus activities, learning material, and financial aid information. Knowing this, WEI’s deep technical bench offers custom-tailored solutions to meet these shifting demands. WEI’s unique and proven formula over the past 35 years ensures its clients achieve real, measurable business outcomes through its comprehensive services.

  • Expertise in Higher Education IT: With years of experience serving the largest educational institutions in the northeast, our seasoned engineers bring unparalleled expertise and proven guidance to every project. Certified at the highest level in all major areas of IT, our team can effectively guide your campus to next-gen IT capabilities.
  • Properly Assess for Informed Decisions:  WEI's comprehensive assessment capabilities provide higher education institutions with valuable insights into their IT infrastructure. These assessments cover critical areas such as networking, security, data centers, and cloud environments. By identifying gaps and offering tailored recommendations, WEI helps institutions optimize technology investments, improve security measures, and enhance operational efficiency.
  • White-Glove Service: Unlike most IT suppliers, WEI goes beyond traditional IT services. Our white-glove approach ensures that every solution is meticulously tailored, implemented, and supported to meet your institution's specific needs. From initial consultation to ongoing support, WEI is with you every step of the way. This is aided by WEI’s sparkling customer lab space where solutions are properly vetted for development, testing, deployment, and ongoing monitoring to elevate your customer journey.

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Next-Gen Networking: Empowering Connectivity

In today's expansive educational environment, achieving seamless connectivity for end users is a main ingredient to reliable campus infrastructure. WEI’s next-gen networking solutions provide the robust infrastructure needed to support modern academic operations.

  • Comprehensive Network Solutions: We offer a holistic, software-defined approach to networking, covering data centers, campuses, mobility, and WAN. Our solutions ensure that your institution can handle increasing demands for bandwidth, security, and automation.
  • Vendor-Agnostic Support: As a vendor-agnostic partner, WEI supports a wide range of switches, routers, firewalls, and network appliances, ensuring you get the right equipment tailored to your specific needs.
  • Enhanced Network Access Control: Our network access solutions enhance security and identity management, keeping unauthorized and non-compliant devices at bay while ensuring seamless access for students, faculty, and staff.

Next-Gen Data Center: The Heart of Academic IT

The data center is the nucleus of your institution's IT infrastructure. WEI’s next-gen data center solutions ensure that your data center is efficient, secure, and scalable.

  • Software-Defined Data Centers: Our solutions are designed to reduce costs over time and accelerate IT service delivery. Our certified engineers leverage intent-based networking solutions that integrate automated intelligence, analytics, and orchestration, translating business intent into operational policies.
  • Comprehensive Support: Whether you are building a new facility or upgrading an existing one, WEI provides end-to-end support from design to deployment. Our extensive experience in optimizing campus IT infrastructure ensures that your data center meets both current and future needs.

Virtualization: Maximizing Efficiency and Performance

WEI’s virtualization solutions provide the optimized resources necessary for enhancing academic and administrative functions in higher education.

VDI Solutions: Our Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) solutions deliver virtual desktop environments over a network, saving on hardware costs and improving manageability.

  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC): WEI's IaC solutions automate core facets of infrastructure management, including deployment, updating, and testing, ensuring greater consistency and reliability.
  • Lifecycle Management: We provide comprehensive lifecycle management for virtual resources, ensuring that your virtualized environment remains efficient and cost-effective.

Custom Procurement Solutions: Unlocking The Power of Data

Our custom procurement solutions are designed to standardize processes, technology, and procedures across colleges and universities. This enables seamless technology use and data access for students and faculty across multiple campuses. WEI's hands-on approach with a university's procurement team helps ensure alignment with business goals and budgetary requirements.

WEI Video

Transform Your Institution With WEI

Partner with WEI to transform your institution's IT infrastructure. Our proven guidance in elevating higher education institutions can help ensure that your academic operations thrive in the modern digital landscape as our engineers are among the most qualified in the industry, holding certifications from leading technology providers. Contact us today to learn how WEI can support your institution’s mission and drive educational excellence.

Legal Note:

NERCOMP negotiates the best prices and terms possible for its members and works with outside legal counsel to facilitate the arrangements between NERCOMP and the vendors. Any license or agreement accessed or entered into as a benefit of a Consortium Member’s NERCOMP membership is contingent on that institution remaining an active NERCOMP member for the full term of the license or agreement.  For example, if a license agreement lasts for a 3 year term, then the Consortium Member must renew its annual NERCOMP membership at least twice to remain an active Consortium Member for the full 3 year term. Failure of a Consortium Member to timely renew its NERCOMP membership status during the term of the license or agreement may result in either a) termination of the license or agreement or b) loss of the discount pricing available exclusively to NERCOMP Consortium members.

Outside counsel conducts an initial legal review of licenses and agreements on behalf of NERCOMP but does not provide an individualized review on behalf of any particular member institution. Each member institution signs its contracts with vendors individually and the institution itself is liable for the rights and obligations therein. Members are strongly encouraged to have their contracts reviewed internally by their own counsel.

NERCOMP also negotiates separate agreements with individual vendors governing NERCOMP’s own relationship with the vendor. Although NERCOMP members are not parties to these agreements, NERCOMP will make copies of available to any member for review, upon request.

Archival materials on this site are not necessarily accessible. NERCOMP will timely respond to any specific requests to make any specific document accessible.

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