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Canvas Certified Educator Program

CORE 1: Foundational Frameworks  
In this course, participants will explore the impact of technology on student learning and how Canvas can help educators improve student achievement, motivation, and engagement.  As faculty begin to look at infusing their instruction with technology, the use of an instructional framework can help provide a compelling why and a research-based foundation. Technology models (such as SAMR, TPACK, TIM and Bloom’s Taxonomy) can be used to examine how digital tools can enhance teaching and learning and can help guide educators through a logical progression of meaningful technology use.

CORE 2: Engagement Strategies
mine the ways that Canvas can help enrich teaching practices. What teachers do in the classroom impacts the long-term academic success of students. By leveraging strategies that enhance engagement, motivate learners, and create a progression toward learning goals, educators can maximize their impact on student achievement.

CORE 3: Personalized Learning 
In this course, participants will investigate the power of personalized learning.  Allowing students to have input on the learning topics that they feel passionate about and creating choice opportunities for presentation format can have a deep impact on the student learning experience. Canvas provides many tools to create student voice and choice opportunities within the learning environment. Shifting to a student-centered approach means thinking differently about the role of the learner from the receiver of learning to an active participant.

CORE 4: Transformational Practices:  
In this course, participants will evaluate a variety of digital learning tools to enhance learning in Canvas. With it’s dedication to open standards, Canvas provides many opportunities to create and maintain high-engagement courses and allows the flexibility for incorporating a host of tools that can be embedded or integrated. As educators think about the types of digital tools and resources they will use in their classrooms and recommend to their colleagues, they know that technology tools should help to promote the 4Cs for students: communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity. Learn how Canvas can be used to support these four areas.

Elective 1: Inspired Leadership:  
Leading with Canvas will explore the ways a teacher leader can use Canvas to foster a collaborative learning culture by building interpersonal relationships with teachers and designing opportunities and sustainable structures for teachers to collaborate to improve student learning effectively.

Leveraging Canvas for Professional Learning:  In leveraging Canvas for Professional Learning, participants will create a professional learning experience in Canvas that uses technology to meet the needs of their intended audiences.

Elective 2: Cultural Connections : 

Humanizing Learning in Canvas: this course will explore how Canvas can support humanizing online learning to support students’ physical and mental well-being to develop lifelong health and wellness practices and deeper, more joyful learning.
Creating Global Cultural Competence in Canvas: this course will support educators in developing items in Canvas that lead students to develop a position on an intercultural issue by exploring multiple cultural perspectives, then acting to support this position in a meaningful way.

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