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The Digital Backpack: Next Generation Digital Learning Environments

7:30am - 9:00am  Coffee & Registration

9:00am - 9:30am  Introduction/Welcome
Creativity Warm-Up

9:30am - 10:15am  Unpacking the NGDLE: What’s in the Box?
Speaker:  Malcolm Brown, Ph.D., Director, Educause Learning Initiative

The next-generation digital learning environment (NGDLE) concept proposes that our learning environments should be architected in a way that permits a far greater degree of customization that is available today. Rather than overeliance on the learning management system, the NGDLE instead calls for a confederation of learning applications, tools, and resources, all linked together by means of open standards.

Activity: Exploring the Box

10:15am  - 10:30am  Break

10:30am - 11:15am  Designing the LearningOS
Speaker: Michael Goudzwaard, Instructional Designer, Dartmouth College

Many learning management systems are overbuilt, encumbering learning with too many features and options that require too much time to learn, customize, and perhaps disable. The LearningOS will be a thin next-gen system that gathers information about learning through data that is enhanced by external tools to create a diverse ecosystem for learning. 

Activity: Providing Links Between Open Standards

11:15am - 12:00pm  Preparing Your institution For the NGDLE
Speaker: Kim Morse Round, Ph.D., Director of Instructional Technology, Saint Anselm College

Saint Anselm College piloted a NGDLE, exploring the implementation best practices. This session will highlight the technical, financial, staffing, student and policy implications institutions might consider, while preparing for the next wave of learning environments. Attendees will be encouraged to unpack their potential institutional challenges and brainstorm strategies to gain organizational support.

Activity: What’s in Your Institutional Box?

12:00pm - 1:00pm  Lunch

1:00pm - 2:00pm  Design Thinking Exercise (Team–based)
Build Your Own NGDLE!

 2:00pm - 2:30pm  Teams Pair Up and Pitch Their Designs

 2:30pm - 2:45pm  Postcard to Your Future Self

 2:45pm  - 3:00pm  Wrap Up Discussion

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