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AI in Teaching and Learning - In-Person Workshop

Bryant Richards

Bryant Richards is the Stansky Distinguished Professor of Accounting and Finance at Nichols College.  He spent 20+ years in industry primarily in internal audit and compliance. As the Director of Corporate Governance at the Mohegan Tribal Gaming Authority, Richards developed a leading class compliance and internal audit organization. Richards is currently developing the Center for Intelligent Process Automation at Nichols College with a focus on providing the skills and experiences students need to build a career in an environment of accelerating change.   


Heather Richards

Heather Richards, Ed.D is the Director of Faculty Development as well as an Assistant Professor of Management at Nichols College. She recently completed her doctorate from Northeastern University where her research focused on Community of Inquiry (CoI), instructors’ Social Presence, and Instructor-generated Videos. Her professional work focuses on improving faculty and student learning and experiences in online, HyFlex, and traditional classrooms through faculty development training and pedagogies focusing on issues such as engagement, interaction, and connectedness. Heather is the Chair of the ADA Commission for the Town of Webster, Ma.

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