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Thought Partner Program - Access: Using an Inclusive Approach to Create a Welcoming Campus

Kirsten Behling 

Kirsten Behling is the Associate Dean of Student Accessibility & Academic Resources at Tufts University, where she oversees all academic support, including the accommodation process. Kirsten and her colleagues recently published Disability Services in Higher Education: An Insider’s Guide, which offers best practices to disability service providers. Kirsten also focuses her research on Universal Design for Learning and its impact on all students and the instructors teaching them. Her book, Reach Everyone Teach Everyone: UDL in Higher Education, shares practical applications for instructors to begin “doing” UDL immediately. Kirsten frequently consults around disability service efforts and offers workshops and training on UDL, through Access2Insider


Lisa Bibeau 

Lisa Bibeau is an Assistant Dean for Student Success and Disability Services at Salem State University. At Salem State, Lisa is responsible for ensuring curricular access to all students while managing access to programs provided to the public. Lisa and his colleagues recently published Disability Services in Higher Education: An Insider’s Guide, which offers best practices to disability service providers. Lisa has taught graduate and undergraduate courses at multiple universities. She is an adjunct professor in the Health Care Studies department, teaching Health and Disability Across the Lifespan, a course she designed. Lisa also helped to develop the Graduate Certificate Program in Postsecondary Disability Services at the University of Connecticut. Regionally, Lisa has served as a board member of New England AHEAD and participates actively in member events. Her areas of professional interest include promoting university-wide accessibility, universal design, intersectionality, and disability.


Andrew Cioffi 

Andrew Cioffi is the Director of Disability Services at Suffolk University. His areas of professional interest include promoting university-wide accessibility, assistive and emerging technology, and the intersection of disability and diversity. Andrew’s teaching experience includes Issues in Postsecondary Disability Services and Assistive Technology in Postsecondary Education. Andrew and his colleagues recently wrote Disability Services in Higher Education: An Insider’s Guide, which offers best practices to disability service providers. He has served as Chair of the Assistive Technology committee for New England AHEAD and presented both regionally and nationally on best practices in access and accommodation.

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