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Jessica Egan
Jessica has worked in the intersection of teaching and technology for over eight years. With two degrees heavily focused on curriculum and instruction from Florida State University, she began her career as an ESL instructor and was quickly drawn to data-driven course design and ways instructional technology can enhance teaching and learning. She currently teaches English composition courses and serves as the Assistant Director of Instructional Design with The American Women's College at Bay Path University. Her primary focus with Bay Path includes instructional design for online learning and adaptive course design. 

Chris Gaudreau
Chris provides teaching and learning experiences for students and faculty both online and on ground through course facilitation & design, and looks for every opportunity to involve educational technologies when the moment is right. He has been working in education, formally and informally, for ten years and most received his M.Ed. in Learning, Media and Technology from the University of Massachusetts in 2017.

Cheryl Handsaker
Cheryl is an Academic Application Developer and a Project Manager in the Office of Information Technology at Williams College. A Canvas Administrator and LTI developer since 2016, Cheryl uses her experience as a technical project manager, software and web developer across numerous disciplines to craft technology solutions in support of faculty and instructional technology specialists’ pedagogical goals. She is actively seeking support from Instructure and the Canvas Community to provide more flexibility for institutions in the display of user information.

Joel Lowsky
Joel has worked as Director of Technology and Director of Educational Technology in independent boarding schools for the past 10 years, following a career in software and technology consulting. He is also an adjunct faculty member and lead dissertation advisor at the University of New England. A self-proclaimed "tech nerd with people skills," Joel's interest in and affinity for educational technology has led him from dragging ethernet cable through the bowels of school buildings to an early feature in a Google case study on the use of Chromebooks in the classroom to new technical and pedagogic horizons. He and his wife Jane were married in the parking lot of a Jimmy Buffett concert.

Mary Wiseman

Mary is an instructional designer who has been teaching and learning online since 1994. She currently works with online faculty, at Bay Path University, to interpret their syllabi into engaging online learning experiences.  Mary holds two master's degrees and a graduate certification and enjoys designing online courses as well as teaching online.



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