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Google G Suite for Education: Inside and Outside of the Box

7:30am - 9:00am   Coffee & Registration

9:00am - 9:15am   Introduction - Are We Preparing, and Prepared for, Generation Z?
Speaker: Marta McAlister, Program Manager, Google Inc.

9:15am - 10:30am   Manhattan College’s Jamboard Experiment
Anita Flanagan, Program Manager, Google, Inc
Christopher Hopkins-Ward, Jamboard Trainer, Google, Inc.
Richard Musal, Director of Client Services, Manhattan College
Anita McCathy, Training Coordinator, Manhattan College
Laurin Paradise, Reference & Instruction Librarian, Manhattan College

Representatives from Manhattan College Library and IT departments along with a Google reps will discuss their experience with Jamboard

10:30am - 10:45am   Break

10:45am - 11:30am   Inside the Box
Jason Parkhill, Director, Academic ITS, Colby College
Mark Wardecker, Instructrional Technologist, Colby College

Paperless Assignment Management and Live Classroom Polling with Google Classroom
Google Classroom's integration with Google Drive allows instructors to easily grade and leave feedback on assignments without having to download or print out any documents, and it is also useful for live classroom polling. This session will show users how to get started with it.

Team Messaging with Google Hangouts Chat 
​Google Hangouts Chat is the Google Suite's answer to Slack. This presentation will examine about how Google's entry in this newer genre of messaging tool stacks up against the market leader.

11:30am - 12:15pm   Breakout Sessions

Using a survey sent to attendees, will break out into groups to have some time-sharing solutions

12:15pm - 12:30pm   Breakout Groups Report Out

12:30pm - 1:15pm   Lunch

1:15pm - 1:30pm   3 Minute Solutions

Speakers will form panel and answer quick questions.

1:30pm - 2:00pm   Google; New Confidential Google Demos
Brian Hendriks, Program Manager, Google, Inc
Marta McAlister, Program Manager, Google, Inc

It's a secret!

2:00pm - 2:45pm   3rd Party or other Google Apps Integrations
Speaker: Ravi Ravishanker, CIO, Wellesley College

Wellesley will be discussing Workday/G Suite integration.

2:45pm - 3:00pm   Stump the Chumps; Get Your Problem Solved, Or Not!
A quick game show format to try and solve some issues with winners getting Google schwag for successful or unsuccessful answers

3:00pm   Wrap-up

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