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Future of the Helpdesk UnSIG

Future of the Helpdesk UnSIG

Where: University of Massachusetts - Amherst
Campus Center
First Floor Campus Center Way
Amherst, Massachusetts
Directions and Campus Map 

When: Monday,February 11, 2013

Note: Registration starts at 7:30am for the morning session

Workshop Organizer: Aime DeGrenier of Mount Holyoke College

Registration Fee:
NERCOMP Member: $130

Event Overview

This unSIG brings together campus staff who are engaged and committed to the campus Help Desk. We come in many shapes and sizes, across departments, across users all with a focus on supporting our community members to be successful in their work using the technology tools they choose or we offer. It’s a huge task and we take it on with passion, interest, challenge, struggle and (gasp to admit) even excitement!

Everyone has something to share and something to learn. Help Desk 2012 and forward is not just about answering questions and customer service. Help Desk teams need to know about technology, need to be excellent customer service providers but we also need to be just a little bit different from our IT colleagues-- we need to be flexible, creative, good listeners, and accessible.

The Help Desk unSIG will allow you to propose conversations (as opposed to presentations) on the issues that matter most to you and have these conversations with other Help Desk professionals.

Attendees may include:

Help Desk staff of all kinds
Campus community members who support their Help Desk team with dedication and committment
Anyone wanting to learn more about Help Desk needs and challenges over the next 10 years.

The format of the unSIG:

The unconference format empowers participants to craft the agenda and provides opportunities for them to be the conversation facilitators. Participants will collaborate on the topics covered in discussions. This means that the agenda will include the issues and concerns that are most significant to attendees on the day of the event.

All registered attendees will have an opportunity to propose a topic, facilitate a discussion and contribute based on their own experience and interest at the unSIG. What to expect when you arrive:

• Flexible: Room for exploration!
• Participatory: The people who come are the people who lead!
• FUN!


Registration Cancellation Policy:
By clicking on the "Order Now" button, you are indicating a commitment to attend and will be held responsible for the registration fee. Your fee can be refunded if you notify us of a cancellation at least 8 days prior to the event via email to

Event Disclaimer:
NERCOMP reserves the right to use any photographs or other mechanical recordings taken at NERCOMP events in promotional materials. No mechanical recordings of any kind may be used at NERCOMP events without the prior written consent of NERCOMP organizers and presenters. The views and opinions expressed at NERCOMP events do not necessarily reflect those of NERCOMP, nor does NERCOMP make any representation regarding the information presented at NERCOMP events.

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