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"We Can't Do That Here:" Crossing the Faculty / IT Divide to Achieve Grassroots Innovations for Student Success

7:30am - 9:00am  Registration and Coffee

9:00am - 9:45am  Welcome and Introductions 
Leslie Lindenauer, Professor in the Department of History and Non-Western Cultures, Western Connecticut State Unversity
Aura Lippincott, Instructional Designer, Western Connecticut State Unversity

-Faculty and IT voices  
As a way to identify common ground and barriers to working together the presenters interviewed faculty and IT staff and identified themes that participants may recognize in their own institutions.    

9:45am - 10:00am  Power of Collaboration to Achieve Innovation & How to Promote a Collaborative Culture 
Speaker: Randall Rode,  Director of Campus IT Partner Relationships and Development, Yale University

How do you engage faculty and students as change leaders, rather than followers, in leveraging emerging technologies in innovative ways to advance teaching and learning?  The talk will draw on examples from recent projects at Yale University.  

10:00am - 10:30am  Challenges Factors Impacting / Influencing Collaboration  
Speaker:  Elise Budnick, Learning Commons Coordinator, Western Connecticut State University

What are challenges and barriers that we face as individuals and at the organizational level that hinder or undermine collaboration? What are the cultural and interpersonal factors that impact collaboration?  Participants will be asked to share their ideas and experience.  

10:30am - 10:40am  Break 

10:40am - 11:40am  Case Studies 
Leslie Lindenauer, 
Professor in the Department of History and Non-Western Cultures, Western Connecticut State Unversity
Aura Lippincott, Instructional Designer, Western Connecticut State Unversity
Scott Volpe, Associate Director of Media Services, Western Connecticut State University
Christina DiCarro, Digital Services Librarian, Western Connecticut State University

We will share examples of successful collaborations across organizational boundaries that have allowed WCSU to extend limited resources, including a Podcast program, Summer Course Design Institute, Math Emporium video series, and Election Connection, a broadcast program that uses low cost technologies (like iPhones) to provide election night coverage streamed to the Internet and local stations from a studio and remote locations.  Participants will be asked to share examples of successful collaborations at their institutions and engage in a discussion of strategies that individuals and organizations can use to foster collaborative relationships and projects.   

11:40am - 12:00pm  Afternoon Activities Overview 

- Getting started with your collaborative innovation/project (Individual Activity)
- How to promote a collaborative culture at your institute (Group Activity) 

12:00pm - 1:00pm  Lunch

1:00pm - 1:50pm  Individual Activity: Getting Started With Your Collaborative Innovation/Project 

Participants will identify a potential project and draft an implementation plan utilizing strategies identified during the morning sessions.  Worksheets to facilitate planning will be provided, as well as resources for ongoing planning work.  

1:50pm - 2:00pm  Break 

2:00pm - 2:45pm  Small Group Activity: How to Promote a Collaborative Culture at Your Institution Speakers:  
Leslie Lindenauer, Professor in the Department of History and Non-Western Cultures, Western Connecticut State Unversity
Aura Lippincott, Instructional Designer, Western Connecticut State Unversity

In this group activity participants will discuss how they can promote collaborative culture using their individual projects as a lever/model, or treating it as a separate project/initiative.  This will be an opportunity to brainstorm specific activities to promote effective communication across the organizational divide.  

2:45pm - 3:00pm  Wrap up: Report Out of Individual and Group Activities 

The workshop will close with groups summarizing their discussions and a recap of the day.   

3:00pm  End

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