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Instructional Design Symposium Spring 2014

7:30am – 9:00am Registration and Coffee

9:00am – 9:20am Introductions

9:20am – 9:50am Brainstorming – Big Ideas

9:50am - 10:00am Break

10:00am – 11:00am Instructional Design Practices for Supporting Self-regulated Learning in Online and Hybrid Settings

Jennifer Rafferty, Associate Director of Instructional Design, Quinnipiac University
Frances Rowe, Director of Instructional Design and Technology Support, Quinnipiac University

Theories and models about self-regulated learning (SRL) are important to educators attempting to understand why some learners succeed and others have difficulty in most academic settings. Understanding self-regulation in online and hybrid settings is even more critical because there is much agreement in the literature that these environments require a higher degree of self-regulation. Furthermore, current research indicates that students perform better in their studies when SRL intervention is part of the course design. In this presentation, participants will discover a host of instructional design practices for supporting SRL in online and hybrid settings.

11:00am – 12:00pm Online Learning: Bringing it Back to Campus: How Wentworth Institute of Technology is Improving Campus-Based Learning through Internal and External Collaboration
Sara Foy, Manager, Online & Blended Learning, Tufts University
Ron Frattura, Senior Instructional Designer, Learning Innovation and Technology, Wentworth Institute of Technology
Ryan Lunenfeld, Instructional Designer, College of Professional and Continuing Education, Wentworth Institute of Technology
Sarah Walkowiak, Instructional Designer, Learning Innovation and Technology, Wentworth Institute of Technology

Online Learning: Bringing it Back to Campus: How Wentworth Institute of Technology is Improving Campus-Based Learning through Internal and External Collaboration

Wentworth Institute of Technology is in the process of growing its online and hybrid programs in the College of Professional and Continuing Education. Our campus-based instructional design support staff have been working closely with the College of Professional and Continuing Education as part of this initiative. As the program continues to evolve and grow, our group is working together to ensure a consistent design experience for faculty across our campus-based courses and our courses for the College of Professional and Continuing Education. Collaboration with our colleagues in the neighborhood and other partner institutions enables us to share costs and practices.

This session will cover highlights of the design process for on-campus, hybrid and online courses, training materials and templates used, and how we are collaborating across the different groups and working together to share our design expertise and provide a more consistent process for faculty based on best practices.

12:00pm – 1:00pm Lunch

1:00pm – 2:00pm Accessibility 101 – How inclusive are your course designs?

Lory Woods, Associate Director of Instructional Design, Connecticut Distance Learning Consortium (CTLDC)
Tisha Radcliffe, Associate Director of Instructional Design, Connecticut Distance Learning Consortium (CTLDC)

This presentation will focus on the accessibility lessons learned in supporting the Connect-Ability project, an online education initiative for folks with disabilities seeking gainful employment, as well as the training program for the support staff.

2:00pm – 3:00pm The Evolving Role of the Higher Education Instructional Designer
Speaker: Carrie Saarinen, Sr. Instructional Designer for Canvas Network, Doctoral Student at Endicott College

Many responsibilities of the instructional designer (ID) are associated with professionals with other job titles leading to some misunderstanding or uncertainty about the campus contributions of the instructional designer. This session will investigate the ways IDs contribute to the academic mission of the colleges and universities they serve. We'll discuss ID responsibilities (ourselves or our teams), consider current and emerging trends in course design and development, and evaluate campus needs. Participants may use this information to revise an existing or create a new ID job description, prepare for annual performance evaluation (their own or an ID on their team), or plan for professional development.

3:00pm – 3:30pm Closing / Next Steps

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