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Support Faculty with MVP: Minimum Viable Practice for Sustained Learning-Webinar
Lance Eaton
Director of Faculty Development & Innovation at College Unbound
Summary: Lance Eaton is the Director of Faculty Development & Innovation at College Unbound, a part-time instructor at North Shore Community College, and a PhD student at the University of Massachusetts, Boston with a dissertation that focuses on how scholars engage in academic piracy. His work engages with the possibility of digital tools for expanding teaching and learning communities while considering the various deep issues and questions that educational technologies open up for students, faculty, and higher ed as a whole. He has given talks, written about, and presented at conferences on artificial intelligence generative tools in education, academic piracy, open access, OER, open pedagogy, hybrid flexible learning, and digital service-learning. His musings, reflections, and ramblings on AI and Education can be found on his blog:
Rebecca Darling
Assistant Director of Instructional Technology at Wellesley College
Summary: Rebecca Darling has worked with the Library and Technology groups at Wellesley College since 1999. In March 2011, she became the Assistant Director of Instructional Technology at Wellesley College. While she is officially the subject specialist for the languages and humanities, Rebecca teaches classes, plans assignments, and offers student support across all disciplines. Her professional interests currently include Universal Design for Learning, promoting technology based on pedagogical choices, and inclusive teaching practices.
Educause Online Article: Digital Scholarship Day at Wellesley Authors: by Rebecca Darling Published: Monday, June 30, 2014