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Taking Management Skills to the Next Level: Exploring Topics in Strategies and Leadership - June 2018

Please note: Schedule is subject to change
Event Schedule:

Day 1: Monday, June 11th
8:00am – 9:00am  Registration and Coffee

9:00am – 12:15pm  Implications of Emerging Technologies
Speaker: Lisa Trubitt, Assistant CIO for Policy & Communications, University at Albany, State University of New York

Emerging technologies are an integral part of the higher education landscape in which IT and library professionals operate. They play a critical role in helping us better connect and integrate our campus communities, while challenging us to navigate legal, security, and other thorny issues. Yet many of the concerns associated with new technologies are not technical at all: they are about people and expectations, and managing their complexities. This opening session will use emerging technologies as the backdrop for setting the context and tone for the two-day workshop.

12:15pm - 1:00pm  Lunch

1:00pm – 4:15pm  Meaningful Measurement
Speaker: Joanne Kossuth, CIO Mitchell College and Principal 1MountainRoad LLC, Consulting

In this topic area we will take a look at the challenges facing the attendees and work together to understand how to utilize data to generate relevant information which then can be used as a basis for decision making in organizations.  Context will be provided through the latest on government scorecards, examples from other higher education institutions, and studies from corporate entities that work in the higher education community.  Focus will be on helping to use data to solve problem areas for the attendees.

4:15pm – 4:30pm  Wrap up and reflection

4:30pm - 5:30pm Reception

Day 2: Tuesday, June 12th
8:00am – 9:00am  Check in and Coffee

9:00am –12:15pm  Legal and Compliance
Speaker: Steven McDonald, General Counsel, Rhode Island School of Design

We'll make sense of the alphabet of managing risk: DMCA, FERPA, HIPAA, Massachusetts Data Breach Law, State Longitudinal Databases, PCI, cloud security and privacy, and the rest of the alphabet.  Learn how to protect yourself and your institution in contracts!  Dive in and re-familiarize yourself with the alphabet on the way to managing the risks associated with compliance and other legal issues.

12:15pm - 1:00pm  Lunch

1:00pm - 4:15pm  Team Dynamics
Speaker: Colleen Wheeler

Today’s workforce is multi-generational, multidisciplinary, and struggling to keep up with technologies that are changing everything on the fly. Despite this sea of change, familiar management challenges remain including improving communication, collaboration, and motivation. This session will explore the nature of teams and their role in contributing to efficient and thriving learning organizations. Participants will practice forming effective teams quickly and reflect on their experiences together.

4:15pm – 4:30pm  Wrap up and Reflection

4:30pm  End


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