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Politics, Culture and Strategy Workshop Consultancy: Navigating Changes From Artificial Intelligence (AI) - a Leadership Ecosystem Workshop

Erin DeSilva

Erin DeSilva is the Associate Provost of Digital and Online Learning at Dartmouth College. She works with a team of talented learning designers and educational technologists to support faculty in their course design as well as to manage the technology that helps facilitate student learning. Prior to joining Dartmouth in 2015, Erin worked as an Instructional Designer at Brown University and an Educational Technologist at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, where her responsibilities included training and supporting faculty, designing and building courses, and other front-end infrastructure support. Erin has been involved in NERCOMP since 2009, facilitating SIG/Professional Development Opportunities and serving on the conference Program Committee, where she is currently vice-chair of the 2021 Annual Conference. She has led NERCOMP sessions on learning management systems, collaborative writing, assessment technologies, library/IT collaboration, and accessibility, among other topics. Erin is also a beneficiary of NERCOMP’s member services, and a strong believer in NERCOMP’s inspirational ability to lift up individuals while excelling in the innovation and important maintenance of the consortium.

Erin earned her Bachelor’s degree at Simmons College and her Master’s degree in Educational Media at Boston University. She lives in Norwich, VT, with her husband Jerry and children Ben and Josie. She owes so much to NERCOMP that she is thrilled to chair the 2022 Annual Conference and to serve on the Board.


Kristen Eshleman

Kristen Eshleman is Vice President of Library and Information Technology at Trinity College in Hartford, CT. She is guiding the college's digital transformation and data strategy and leads a merged division that includes the Library, IT, and Institutional Research. This is a strategic merger designed to bring a discipline of knowledge management (KM) to Trinity by combining expertise in information, technology, and analytics in support of institutional excellence at all levels.

Before joining Trinity College, she served as Director of Innovation Initiatives at Davidson College, where she led innovation strategy out of the President's Office. At Davidson, she guided projects designed to respond to external change pressures and facilitated bottom-up, community-driven initiatives with the potential to lower costs, generate new revenue, or meet other strategic goals.
Kristen is a co-founder of HAIL (Harvesting Academic Innovation for Learners), and has served on committees for LACOL (Liberal Arts Collaborative for Digital Innovation), iLIADS (Institute for Liberal Arts Digital Scholarship), and EDUCAUSE.

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