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ServiceNow User Group 2018 (SNUG)
7:30am - 9:00am Registration & Coffee
9:00am – 9:45am AV to Convergence, How transition from an AV model to an IT model
Speaker: Matthew Fearnley, ITS Media Services Manager, Northeastern University
AV (Audio Visual) lived outside of IT until the introduction of Video conferencing over IP and networked touch panels 15 years ago. AV is a delivery system for IT services such as video, voice and desktop presentations, yet the AV industry has been slow to adopt ITIL standards. Let’s explore the history, the transition and the ultimate goal of AV management as an ITIL delivered service.
9:45am – 10:30am New Life for Learning Spaces: Extending ServiceNow’s Asset Module
Laura Clarage, Service Management Analyst, Tufts University
Kevin Murphy, Manager of IT Service Management, Tufts University
Tufts Technology Services recently added new capabilities to their ServiceNow instance to help its Media Support Group manage the lifecycle of its equipment and all AV enabled rooms.
Managers maximize budget value by directing funds toward rooms with the lowest health scores. They maximize the effectiveness of their teams through pre-emptive action to update aging systems. When integrated with Incident Management, each room shows the reliability of its built-in equipment by the number of trouble tickets it has generated.
The project included acquiring the data, extending ServiceNow’s existing schema, and developing an interface for users to access the new functionality. Kevin and Laura will discuss the planning, procedures, and pitfalls from ideation to implementation.
10:30am – 10:45am Break
10:45am – 11:45am Building Chatbot Integration with ServiceNow. (coding workshop)
Speaker: Oliver Thomas, Director, IT Community Partnerships, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Build a chatbot using AWS and ServiceNow which allows your community to engage in basic, conversational interactions with processes implemented in ServiceNow via text messages or other chat interfaces. We'll try to run through a few hands-on exercises, so bring your laptop if you want to code along.
11:45am – 12:15pm ServiceNow Update – June 2018
Speaker: Dmitri Boulanov, Senior Solution Consultant, ServiceNow
Dmitri will present an update on the latest capabilities and functionality released by ServiceNow (Kingston / London) and K18 announcements with a focus on those relevant to Higher Education attendees. Success stories and use-cases that are prevalent in the national and global Higher Ed community will be covered. Finally, we will conduct a round of Q&A about topics of interest and platform/product questions for the next meeting.
12:15pm - 1:15pm Lunch
1:15pm – 2:15pm ServiceNow Data Warehousing
Speaker: Giles Lewis, Independent Consultant, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Giles will be discussing commercial and open source products which can be used to create and manage a MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle Data Warehouse. His presentation will include a demo of loading a PostgreSQL database from ServiceNow.
2:15pm - 3:15pm Open Discussion regarding CMDB usage
Requested by constituency, we wanted to guide our open discussion this year about CMDB usage in the community, lessons learned, automation used, or not used, etc.
3:15pm End