Meetings Stub Page [mx-stub]
Student Outcomes and Competency-Based Learning
8:00am – 9:00am Registration and Coffee
9:00am – 10:00am How did we get here? How did the credit hour ever get to be a measure of learning? Mitchell Nesler of Empire State College will discuss student outcomes assessment under the current system, and what changes Empire State is introducing.
10:10am – 11:10am Sue Talley and Kim Pearce of Capella University will introduce Capella’s newly approved competency-based program
11:20am – 12:20pm Paul Gaston of Lumina will show how the Degree Qualifications Profile translates the current system into competencies, and how this ties in to new demands being made on the accrediting agencies, and hence, on us.
12:20pm – 1:20pm Lunch
1:20pm – 2:30pm Jim Young of Lehigh University will describe the implementation of competency-based assessment within the traditional model
2:30pm Closing Remarks: So where are we now, and what can we expect?
3:00pm End