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Using a Technology-Readiness Approach to Improve Faculty and Student Course Experiences with Digital Tools - Webinar

Evelyn Graeff

Evelyn Graeff is Associate Professor and Assistant Director of Clinical Education in the School of Physician Assistant Studies at MCPHS University in Boston. She is a co-chair for the Boston Campus Interprofessional Education (IPE) Working Group, a member of the PA Program Assessment Committee and PA program IPE Committee. The main focus of IPE education is on collaboration and communication between various healthcare professions.


Daniel Jamous

Daniel Jamous has been the Chief Academic Technology Officer at MCPHS University since 2019 where he leads cross-functional collaboration to analyze teaching and learning technology needs and recommend best practices and strategies. Prior to his appointment at MCPHS, Daniel worked for more than 14 years as a Senior Instructional Technologist at Harvard University where he consulted with faculty to help them find suitable technological solutions to address their pedagogical goals.


Greg Martin

Gregory Martin is an Academic Technology Specialist in the Office of Academic Affairs at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. He previously worked in the MCPHS’s Division of Library and Learning Resources. His current responsibilities include providing support to faculty with the use of technology in their instruction and helping the University’s Chief Academic Technology Officer evaluate new technologies to help faculty achieve their teaching goals. He has a Master of Education in Instructional Design from UMass Boston.


Jana Murry

Jana Murry has been in the patient care-related field for over 20 years. She has worked in the community and ambulatory practice settings. Jana is currently an Assistant Professor at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. Regardless of the setting, patient safety and education has always been her objective. Through teaching, lecturing and running a portion of the pharmacy simulation labs she is able to convey her knowledge and love of patient care to her students. Ambition, integrity and inclusive environments that improve patient care is her goal, setting the stage for herself and her students.


Katrina Van Dellen

Katrina Van Dellen is an Instructor of Biology at MCPHS University in Boston, MA. She serves as the coordinator for the Biology I and Biology II laboratory programs and also teaches courses on Molecular Biology, Microbiology, and Medical Parasitology. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, she converted

all of these courses to a fully online format and learned many lessons about how to effectively implement new technologies in her teaching practices. Katrina received a B. A in Biological Sciences from Wellesley College and a PhD in Biological Sciences in Public Health from Harvard University.


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