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Transformative No-Cost User Research - Online Workshop

April 19, 2023

Session 1

What is UX? (5-10 min)

Overview of UX research methods -Personas (15-20 min) 
-Why are they important, and how they can be adapted for projects
-Diversity, inclusion, and personas

Collaborative exercise
-Create a student persona
What resources might you use to understand your audiences (poll)

Field Research (15-20 min)

Breakout rooms - think of one project you are doing and some way you could observe users “in their natural habitat” doing something related to the project

Card sorting (15-20 min)

Overview - open vs closed (and hybrid) }
Example on uxtweak

Share: what’s something you’ve had to categorize?

How did you make your IA decisions Journey Mapping (15-20 min)

Overview Collaborative Exercise: Journey mapping in Jamboard

Brainstorm and share potential use cases within our organizations (15 min) - breakout rooms and group sharing

April 26, 2023

Interviews and focus groups (10 mins)

Moderated User Testing -Overview and demo with a volunteer (15 mins)

Writing a user-testing script Individual Wor
k: Choose a persona and identify the most important interactions (5 min)
-How to write good scenarios

Individual Work: Write 4 scenarios (5 mins)

Breakout room: Conduct user testing with a partner and note taker in breakout rooms of 3-4 (30 mins)

How to evaluate results of user testing (5 mins)

Creating a research plan (5 mins)

Tips for summarizing results for leadership (10 mins)


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