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Is Design Thinking Right for Your Faculty Development Initiative?

7:30am-9:00am Registration & Coffee

9:00am – 9:30am  Introductions/Icebreaker  
Facilitator: Kim Round
, Director of Instructional Technology, Saint Anselm College 

We will begin the day-long workshop with an introduction to the topic, agenda, facilitators and a short ice-breaker activity to allow attendees to prepare for a day of working and learning together. 

9:30am - 10:30am Design Thinking Discussion/Debate  
Facilitator: Carol Damm
, Director of Programs and Assessments, Brandeis University GPS

Attendees will debate and discuss the pros and cons of Design Thinking. New to Design Thinking? Expert on the topic? Somewhere in between? All experience levels welcome as we explore the premise and using empathy-based approaches for faculty development initiatives. 

10:30am - 10:45am Morning Break 

10:45am - 12:00pm  Case Exemplars of Design Thinking in Action/Discussion 
Speakers:  Carol Damm
, Director of Programs and Assessments, Brandeis University GPS
Kim Round, Director of Instructional Technology, Saint Anselm College
Brian Salerno, Associate Director, Learning Design; Center for Digital Innovation in Learning, Boston College

Three instructional technology and design leaders will discuss faculty development design thinking initiatives at their respective institutions. Attendees will dig deeper into the efficacy of Design Thinking, as three disparate case studies are shared from Boston College, Brandeis University and Saint Anselm College. Follow up discussion will build groundwork for the afternoon’s applied activities.  

12:00pm - 1:00pm  Lunch

1:00pm - 2:30pm Applying Design Thinking to Faculty Development Scenarios 
Facilitator:  Brian Salerno, Associate Director, Learning Design; Center for Digital Innovation in Learning, Boston College

Attendees will leverage Design Thinking to address a faculty development challenge. Teams will walk through a specific scenario, develop an empathy-based approach and share with the larger group, gathering feedback. Ultimately, this will provide attendees with a hands-on opportunity to further develop viewpoints regarding Design Thinking’s efficacy for initiatives at their institutions.  

2:30pm – 3:00pm  Wrap Up
Facilitators: Carol Damm, Director of Programs and Assessments, Brandeis University GPS
Kim Round, Director of Instructional Technology, Saint Anselm College
Brian Salerno, Associate Director, Learning Design; Center for Digital Innovation in Learning, Boston College

Does Design Thinking have resonance at your institution? How might you envision using it? Attendees will wrap up their discussions and share. 

3:00pm End

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