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7:30am – 9:00am Registration and Coffee

9:00am – 9:30am Introductions and Welcome

9:30am – 10:15am When Life You Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade: Lessons in Change Management from a Double-Migration
Carole Currie, Instructional Technologist, Salve Regina University
Annette Torrey, Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning, Salve Regina University

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade: Lessons in change management from a double migration Faculty hates change…so does IT. Change can be hard. Over a period of two academic years we went from WebCT to Blackboard 9.1 to Canvas, didn’t alienate faculty, built collaborative relationships across divisions, and leveraged the dual migrations to achieve departmental goals. We did this by taking a big picture, people-centered approach to project planning, rather than a task-focused one. We will share our approach, how we applied it to this project, and how we are using it to deal with the continuous changes presented by the 3-week update cycle.

10:15am - 10:30am Break

10:30am – 11:15am Demystify and Simplify the Grading Process with Canvas Rubrics!
Speaker: Peter Testori, Assistant Director of Faculty Development Initiatives, Bay Path College

Using rubrics during the grading process can make the task simpler for faculty and more easily understood by students. This approximately hour-long workshop will include a short talk to introduce the what, why, and how of grading rubrics in Canvas. Designed for faculty with varying levels of experience with the assessment tool, participants will leave knowing not only what Canvas rubrics are and why they may want to use them in their grading process, but, after a short demonstration, they will also have the opportunity to build a rubric using Canvas’ built-in rubric tool... participants are encouraged to bring a laptop (or a friend with a laptop!). This workshop will also be particularly useful to faculty development staff looking to bring value back to their institutions/organizations after this PDO.

11:15am – 12:00pm Curating Badges with Canvas
Mary Bold, Executive Vice President, Accreditrust, LLC.
Eric Korb, President/CEO, Accreditrust, LLC. (former) Chief Technology Officer, American College of Education

Discussion and demonstration of the deployment of digital badges through Canvas using a custom LTI for integration of course assignment assessment criteria. With the emphasis on interoperability and portability, the technology choices support long-term and broad-based use of badges as credentials or proof of achievements. The demonstration includes the connection that a learner can make independently with an external badge backpack. Examples will be shared from the Fall 2013 Badge Beta involving 3 universities, 2 secondary schools, and a professional development program at Canvas.

12:00pm – 1:00pm Lunch

1:00pm – 2:00pm Round Table Discussions
Facilitator: Amber Vaill, Assistant Dean of Online Learning, Bay Path College

Facilitated small-group discussions will be held to allow participants to discuss issues and topics that are relevant to their roles in using Canvas at their institutions. Topics to be announced at the event.

2:0pm – 2:45pm Instructure Roadmap
Speaker: Matt Goodwin, Product Manager, Canvas by Instructure

A representative from Instructure will present news and information from the engineering and development team behind this groundbreaking LMS.

2:45pm - 3:00pm Wrap up discussion and reflections

3:00pm End

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