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Lecture-Free Classrooms? A Hands-on Exploration of Active Learning

Lecture-Free Classrooms?  A Hands-on Exploration of Activie Learning

Where: University of Massachusetts - Amherst
Campus Center
First Floor Campus Center Way
Amherst, Massachusetts
Directions and Campus Map 

When: Monday, December 8, 2014
9:00 - 3:00pm


Workshop Organizer: Nicole Sanderson of Tufts University

Registration Fee:
NERCOMP Member: $130

Event Overview

If students start watching their lectures online, what is left to do in the classroom? Active and team-based classrooms require new approaches, and many teachers are still figuring out what works. In this hands-on workshop, we will wrestle with this topic through a series of exercises that will get participants interacting with each other by exploring different methods, discussing best practices, designing activities, and more.


Registration Cancellation Policy:
By clicking on the "Order Now" button, you are indicating a commitment to attend and will be held responsible for the registration fee. Your fee can be refunded if you notify us of a cancellation at least 8 days prior to the event via email to

Event Disclaimer:
NERCOMP reserves the right to use any photographs or other mechanical recordings taken at NERCOMP events in promotional materials. No mechanical recordings of any kind may be used at NERCOMP events without the prior written consent of NERCOMP organizers and presenters. The views and opinions expressed at NERCOMP events do not necessarily reflect those of NERCOMP, nor does NERCOMP make any representation regarding the information presented at NERCOMP events.

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