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Lecture-Free Classrooms? A Hands-on Exploration of Active Learning

7:30am – 9:00am Registration and Coffee

9:00am – 9:50am Introduction & Ice Breaker
Fred Zinn, Associate Director, OIT, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
Tes Zakrzewski, Academic Technology Services Director, Wentworth Institute of Technology

Opening the day and setting goals. Then an activity which demonstrates the use of pictures to expand a discussion about attitudes toward a specific topic (in this case, lectures and active learning).

9:50am – 10:00am Transition

10:00am – 10:55am Scavenger Activity & Tour
Speaker: Sarah Hutton, Head, Undergraduate Teaching and Learning Services W.E.B. Du Bois Library, University of Massachusetts – Amherst

A tour of the nearby Integrative Learning Center and its many active-learning classrooms. Demonstrating an activity outside the classroom (in this case, a scavenger hunt) and how to structure learning outside the classroom.

10:55am - 11:00am Transition

11:00am – 12:00pm Designing Activities
Speaker: Sam Anderson, Coordinator of Instructional Design and Faculty Support Academic Computing University of Massachusetts Amherst

Working in teams, attendees will use best practices of activity design to develop a short, simple activity for a class. Demonstrating how to guide students in a creative activity in class.

12:00pm – 1:00pm Lunch

1:00pm – 1:20pm Designing Activities (part two)
Speaker: Sam Anderson, Coordinator of Instructional Design and Faculty Support Academic Computing University of Massachusetts Amherst

Participants will present the activities designed in the previous activity to the group. Demonstrating basic in-class critique & voting techniques. Addressing specifically how to evaluate the effectiveness of an activity.

1:20pm – 1:30pm Transition

1:30pm – 3:00pm Building Media in Class
Speaker: Stacy Cohen, Support and Training Coordinator, Education Technology and Interactive Media Office, Framingham State University

Participants will synthesize their experience of the day into a single short media work (or other artifact) that makes the case for active learning (or for lectures, their choice). Demonstrating how students can use self-selected simple Apps/tools in class to produce short works.

3:00pm – 3:30pm Check in / Close out
Speaker: Fred Zinn, Associate Director, OIT, University of Massachusetts – Amherst

3:30pm End

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