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Data Governance and Institutional Business Intelligence
8:00am – 8:50am Registration and Coffee
8:50am – 9:00am Welcome and Introductions
9:00am – 10:30am Presentations
Ora Fish, Executive Director, University Data Warehouse & Business Intelligence, New York University
Hugh McCabe, Data Warehouse Manager, Syracuse University
Ganesan (Ravi) Ravishanker, CIO, Wellesley College
Speakers each briefly share their perspectives on the broad topics: What is data governance and why is it important? How does data governance relate to data warehousing and business intelligence?
10:30am - 10:40am Break
10:40am – 11:45am Moderated Q & A and Discussion with Panel
Moderator: Nancy Bull, Provost and CIO, University of Connecticut
Ora Fish, Executive Director, University Data Warehouse & Business Intelligence, New York University
Hugh McCabe, Data Warehouse Manager, Syracuse University
Ganesan (Ravi) Ravishanker, CIO, Wellesley College
The morning will focus on questions of more general nature.
11:45am – 12:45pm Lunch
12:45pm – 2:15pm Speakers Each Relate Stories of Specific Experiences with Data Governance
Talk about lessons learned, both good and bad. Tell us about particular accomplishments and achievements, or initiatives that were unsuccessful. What went right or wrong, and what was learned?
2:15pm – 2:25pm Break
2:25pm – 3:30pm Moderated Q & A with Panel
The afternoon discussion will focus on questions of more specific nature.
Event wrap-up
3:30pm End