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Student Employees: Motivate, Train and Build Your Team

7:30am - 9:00am   Registration and Coffee

9:00am - 10:15am   Student Staff Hierarchy
Speaker: Katrina Schell, Access Services Librarian, Hamilton College

After a series of staffing changes in our Access Services team, we needed our students to take on more responsibility. At the same time, we had some exceptional student employees who were clearly underutilized. Our solution was to create a self-sustaining hierarchy within our student ranks that allows student employees to develop specialized knowledge and skills while alleviating staff overload.

10:15am - 10:30am   Break

10:30am - 11:45am   Mapping a Path for Change
Speaker: Katie Babula, Senior Information Technologist, University of Rhode Island

This presentation will focus on Identifying desired areas of change/growth/expansion in regards to student worker skills, tasks, and operations and how to go about making those changes happen. This session will be conversation driven as participants are guided through the process of identifying, addressing, tracking, and revising the growth plans for their organizations. The goal for the end of this session is for attendees to have a working process to incorporate a life cycle of evaluation, change, and growth to enhance the quality of their student employees. 

11:45am - 12:45pm   Lunch

12:45pm - 2:00pm   Managing and Motivating Student Workers
Giovanna Roz Gastaldi, Manager Instructional Media and Production, Brown University
Gena Burke, Manager, IT Service Center, Brown University

In this session we will discuss key points of our experience managing and motivating student workers. We manage different groups in our IT organization and our students have different job responsibilities: Gena’s students offer IT support, assist with equipment loans and liaison with other campus support units; Giovi’s students develop digital projects for faculty, edit video of campus events and produce original shorts.

Our students are motivated, efficient and proud of their campus jobs. They join our groups, stay with us and continue growing in their positions, sometimes opting for 1-year of additional experience after they graduate. Our staff benefit from the collaboration with our student workers and, while getting engaged in mentoring them, expand their skills and knowledge. Together, we are all part of a community of learners.

During our session we will ask each other a few questions: What is our philosophy? How do we hire, train, retain, and promote students workers? How do we motivate them? After our presentation, we will facilitate a group conversation and feedback session.

2:00pm - 3:00pm   Discussion/Questions   

3:00pm   End

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